Issue Position: Israel

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Foreign Affairs

Countless anti-Israeli actions have occurred during the Obama Administration, such as:

Support for multinational resolutions to strip Israel of nuclear weapons
Refusal to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems.For the first time in recent US history, the US government actually sold weapon technology to Muslim nations before selling the technology to Israel.
Obama's refusal to dine with Israeli PM Netanyahu or allow any photos to be taken at the White House during their first meeting in Washington
Obama hasn't done enough to prevent Iran from getting its own nuclear weapon.
Condemnation of the building of settlements in the the Jewish suburb of North Jerusalem called Ramat Shlomo
Bowing to Muslim Leaders, sacrificing Israel relations.

These policies and others approach outright anti-semitism, earning Obama the lowest approval ratings among Democrat presidents with Jews.

Brad Sherman has not publicly condemned the Obama Administration for these actions.

If elected, Mark Reed will stand up, and condemn the Obama Administration's anti-Israel actions!

To read more click here

Mark Reed's unwavering points of support for Israel:

Israel continues to live everyday under the threat of terror, yet she shares with America a strong dedication to democratic ideals, as well as respect for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, human rights, and a strong commitment to peace in the region. I believe that the US should continue to support freedom and civil rights wherever they are upheld.
I believe that America should continue to support the state of Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East.
I believe that America should recognize Israel's right to defend herself against attacks from Gaza and Lebanon, including the right to conduct operations in Israel, and in the territory of threatening nations. Israel has made enormous sacrifices in an attempt to secure peace, including withdrawal from territories captured in the 1967 Six Day War with Jordan and Egypt and a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza.
I believe that the U.S needs to ensure that Israel retains its "qualitative military superiority" in the Middle East for as long as needed and that U.S. foreign aid to Israel needs to continue.
I support the security barrier erected by Israel, which has been proven successful in protecting Israeli civilians from terrorist attacks.
I support direct Israel-Palestinian negations only. Furthermore, Israelis and Palestinians need to work together to resolve their conflict.
The U.S. government designated Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. I believe that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations and it is a crime to provide any assistance to them. I will not allow US nationals and organizations to support these organizations in any way and will hold them accountable if they do.
The Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has denied the Holocaust and has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. I strongly support any action that Israel chooses to take to protect herself from Iran's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons. I believe that we must use every available resource to stop Iran's nuclear program. We must apply economic pressure on Iran, condemn last year's elections, support the democracy movement in Iran, and refuse to take the military option off the table.
Above all, I believe that an economically weak America, straddled with debt like European countries, is not in Israel's best interest long term. A strong America, economically and militarily, that follows the U.S. Constitution is best for Israel and the rest of the world.
